Counterbalance Forklift
Installation and Removal Skills of Loader Bearings Sep 11 , 2024
The installation and removal of bearings require certain skills. If they are not done well, the bearings will be damaged. Here, front wheel loader bearings are used as an example to explain the installation and removal of bearings.

Precautions before installing loader bearings:

1. Preparation for installing loader bearings

Since the bearings are rust-proofed and packaged, do not open the package before installation. In addition, the anti-rust oil applied on the bearings has good lubrication properties. For general-purpose bearings or bearings filled with grease, they can be used directly without cleaning. However, for instrument bearings or bearings used for high-speed rotation, the anti-rust oil should be washed away with clean cleaning oil. At this time, the bearings are prone to rust and cannot be left for a long time.

Dust is harmful to all bearings. When the loader bearing is damaged and replaced, the loader bearing package can only be unpacked when all preparations for installation are completed. It is recommended to use gasoline or benzene as a bearing cleaning fluid. Use compressed air to blow away the dust, or use kerosene or diesel as a cleaning fluid, but if these oils are used alone, the bearings will fall into very fine dust, which is difficult to remove.

2. Disassembly skills of compact wheel loader bearings

When checking or replacing parts regularly, it is necessary to disassemble the bearings. Usually, the shaft and bearing box are almost always used, and the bearings are often used. Therefore, the structural design should take into account that when disassembling the bearing, the bearing, shaft, bearing box and other parts will not be damaged, and appropriate disassembly tools should be prepared. When disassembling the static fit ring of the loader bearing, the tension can only be applied to the ring, and the ring must not be pulled through the rolling element.

When disassembling the loader bearing, there are many tools used. These disassembly tools should be used according to regulations. Remember: Under no circumstances are you allowed to hit with a hammer, otherwise it will cause accidents or failures. When installing spherical roller bearings, pay special attention to the installation position and install them correctly to reduce the excessive clearance between the two end faces, otherwise the bearings will wear out prematurely during use.

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